Call It by SUNSET SALORE is an exploration of leaving a relationship, not warranted by one huge incident, but by small incidents stacking on top of one another, until it feels like there’s no coming back from the resentment that has been built. The phrase call it feels like a cold and emotionally disconnected way to end a relationship and the track feels like a journey to discover what created that dynamic - what severed the connection.

Right from the opening, the guitar is a standout feature. There are at least two or three layers of guitars playing at one time throughout the verses and their sonic tapestries intertwine beautifully. There is almost a sense of darkness created by the contrasting layers of dissonance at the core of the guitar part. This matches the track’s themes. At points, these guitar layers feel like a call and response to the vocal, providing the other person’s thoughts and feelings about the relationship. This sense that the guitar is a symbolic instrument, representative of the piece as a whole, is backed up further by the layers of the instrumentation. These layers reminded me of the small, incremental incidents that damaged the relationship.
The vocals are another strong suit of the track, floating in the high tones and feeling equally comfortable in the lower part of their register. The emotional connection between the vocals and delivery makes the track even more compelling, the rawness of the delivery adds a sense of dramatic uncertainty that elevates the tension of the track. There is one note of the chorus which feels dissonant to the melody and may have taken away from the power of the song but this may have also been a purposeful decision to create dissonance symbolic of the challenges at this rocky stage of a relationship.
Overall, this track encapsulates the challenges of little things stacking up in a relationship. By shining a light on that experience SALORE creates a new, sonically cohesive perspective on relationships with Call It.