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GABRIELLE STEIN’s Latest Track Has Deep Themes and Electro-Pop Energy

Broken as Fuck by GABRIELLE STEIN is a bold, electronic pop banger that takes the nihilistic themes of its core and transitions them into a song that would feel at home in a club. The mix of serious themes and danceable melodies is a personal favourite. It’s always impressive to see these contrasting aspects achieved in a way which doesn’t create a jarring or confused sound. 


In the case of Broken as Fuck, its complex sentiments elevate the track beyond the melody and the lyrics individually.

The song is about feeling broken after ending a relationship. There is a sense of unity shattered from the start of the track with lyrics about forgetting a partner. The theme of brokenness is also relevant to culture. The track is half in Spanish and half in English. This division symbolises the artist’s divided identity. The split language feels like a reference to the separated nature of GABRIELLE STEIN’s cultural core. The track is broken into two by the English and Spanish language swaps therefore the broken theme also feels relevant to culture as well as relationships.

The vocals feel confident and enigmatic throughout, at odds with the vulnerable nature of the track. The vocalist explores the emotional lyrics while also maintaining the confidence to lead the instrumental and keep the listener engaged. 

The instrumental is made up of this heavy synth that marches through the melody, pulsing with energy and power. It acts as the foundation of the track’s melody. There is also a drum pattern that is manipulated and changed as the track goes on. Although the beat remains relatively consistent, the evolution of its timbre makes the rhythm feel unstable and ever-changing. This choice reflects the tone of being broken through the track’s precarious sonic landscape. 

Overall, STEIN’s latest track captures the insecurity of leaving a relationship behind while also exploring the divided nature of her culture and her connection to it. It’s impressive to see this level of depth in such a catchy dance tune.


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